About the blog

We are fortunate enough to have a produce delivery service that delivers seasonal, organic and local produce year-round. Our weekly menu is based on whatever items we happen to get that week, which always changes. This inspires a lot of creativity and improvising in our daily meals. While I tend to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, to me it is a relaxing experience and worth the effort. I hope you enjoy the recipes posted which are influenced from a variety of cultures!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beef and Veggie Ragout

A ragout is a nice saucy dish that isn't quite a soup but is great for dipping bread into or serving with rice, potatoes, or pasta.  This is also a great way to use veggies that are about to go bad.
Serves about 4 people
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 lb. cubed beef
1/2 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 medium tomato, diced
1 cup chopped veggies, carrots and mushrooms in this case (can also use peppers, peas, celery, greens, etc.)
2 Tbsp tomato paste
1/4 tsp each salt and pepper (more or less to taste)
1/4 tsp dried thyme or dried herb of your choice (oregano, rosemary, ect.)

3/4-1 cup water or broth
1 Tbsp flour

Heat the oil over medium heat.  Dry the meat cubes with towels and place in pan, browning each side (about 2-3 min per side).  Work in batches if necessary so the pan is not too crowded. Remove beef from pan and set aside.  Add onion to pan and saute until soft (about 4 min) then add the garlic for 1 more minute.  Add the tomato and simmer about 5 minutes then add the veggies, tomato paste, seasonings and stir well.  Add the beef back to the pan and add water/broth until the beef and veggies are almost covered.  Cover and bring to a simmer over med-high heat then reduce heat to med-low/low.  Cook for about 45 minutes until veggies and beef are tender.  Gently whisk in flour to sauce and stir to distribute.  Simmer uncovered about 5 more minutes or until desired thickness is reached.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I made this with lamb instead of beef. It was delicious! Perfect comfort food for a chilly night. I also got to clear a bunch of veggies out of the fridge! Teşekkürler Lea!
