About the blog

We are fortunate enough to have a produce delivery service that delivers seasonal, organic and local produce year-round. Our weekly menu is based on whatever items we happen to get that week, which always changes. This inspires a lot of creativity and improvising in our daily meals. While I tend to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, to me it is a relaxing experience and worth the effort. I hope you enjoy the recipes posted which are influenced from a variety of cultures!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The first post

Our produce is delivered every Friday, which I look forward to with anticipation to see what they bring : )  This week the veggies include leeks, green beans, kale, rapini, sweet peppers, spinach, radishes, chard, tomatoes, cilantro and potatoes.  A lot of leafy greens for this week's menu, stay tuned!

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